ارتش آزادیبخش خلق
New York Times People's Liberation Army People's Republic of China Public Record Office (London)
Most, however, chose to stay with T'ao, who surrendered peacefully to the PLA on 25 September, at the head of the
emerged around 'Uthman Batur who, after withdrawing from the Pei-ta- shan region in early 1948, had set up his headquarters at Kizil Chala Bel, near Kitai, in the northern foothills of the Bogdo Ula.151 Here, at the head of some 15,000 followers, he lived 'like a potentate . . . surrounded by a group of loyal lieutenants'.152 Moreover, also in 1948, as a reward for his loyal service to the Nationalists following his defection from the ETR, 'Uthman was appointed Commander of three KMT pao-an ('peace preservation') squadrons, also stationed in the Kitai region.153 In September 1949, therefore, at the time of Burhan Shahidi's submission to the PLA, 'Uthman was closely identified with the KMT power structure in Sinkiang and bitterly anti-communist.
Accordingly, like Yulbars Khan, he refused to accept Burhan's surrender, and withdrew to the Barkul Tagh where he was subsequently joined by Janxm Khan, the supposedly illiterate Kazakh ex-Commissioner of Finance in Chang Chih-chung's coalition government.154 At about the same time, during the summer and early autumn of 1949, a group of 'Uthman's Kazakh allies under the leadership of 'Ali Beg Rahim set up their headquarters at Kukuluk, in the eastern T'ien Shan above Kara Shahr, where they were joined by Salis, Janim Khan's ex-colleague as Deputy Secretary-General in the 1946-7 coalition government.155 During the following months, both groups fought a series of hit-and-run engagements with units of the PLA.156 It was a struggle which they could not hope to win, however, and in late December 1949 'Ali Beg's group was forced to break away from the T'ien Shan and to head for the southern Kazakh stronghold of Gez Kol on the Sinkiang-Tsinghai frontier.
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